A problem with historic district and designations is that they
are imposed on a property owner _after_ the fact. They are
also imposed selectively and unfairly.
I don't know about what they do where YOU live, but that method is NOT a
good law! In NYC, they hava a PROCEDURE for landmarking a building.... File
notice, hear objections, allow appeals & exceptions, offer incentives...
finalize & approve.
CASE in point, the 800 (+/-) ft Woolworth Building.. was landmarked in the
'70's, after the Woolworth Co. said they needed to "improve" it... so the
City laid back while the "Restoration" was done with certain limits imposed
(actually, renovation). The result... the Gargoyles that were Famous
features were removed and "replaced" with cantilevered subsstitutes...
butfor good reason. They were becoming unsound features attached to the
facade at 500+ ft above the street. After the terracotta was cleaned and
patched, the landmark went through... with LESS maintenance required for
future owners.
Historic preservation, esp after the fact, imposes an unfair
economic burden on the property owner.
Also NOT SO! The Federal landmark law offers tax reduction or exemption for
landmarks on it's books. Also, see above.
I still am waiting for a preservationist to explain why
historic districts insist on keeping original wood siding
(which is expensive to maintain) and not allow replacement
identical appearing vinyl siding.
Can you find "Identical" vinyl siding for antique clapboard? the dimensions
(width) are different and that has a GREAT visual difference. Also, they
all have dull colors... find me an Iron-oxide red in vinyl... NOT AVAILABLE!
Other than that... most communuities with SUCCESSFUL landmark laws allow for
materials substitutions.
As for MY town... hte Bozo's learned a bit, too! Seems they had a "plan"
for uniform appearance in the "downtown" area... and then tried to impose
that spec on a property just 40 feet away, across one street, on the
adjacent corner. They backed down after 5 months... and I was about to write
the new owner to challenge the "specs" as unenforceable, since so many
people openly ignore the codes that apply to them (outside that district)
without consequence.